Paramore's Hayley Williams

Paramore's Hayley Williams
Aint she just the cutest

evanescence lead singer Amy Lee

Kitty (the Entire Band)

Kitty (the Entire Band)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My First GIG

So the other day I played my first DJ gig ever. JDP and I went to Lilium girls res on Tuks Groenkloof campus to DJ a "cocktail party" but minus the huge amounts of alcohol usually found at things like that. It was all good at first... we set up and he DJ'd for like an hour or two and then he said "ok your turn, I’m leaving, phone me if there are any problems. And so there I was and it went pretty well aside from the skipping problem I had with the one channel. I swear though that I will never ask a DJ to play me a song ever again, at one point the world’s hottest chick kept coming to me and asking for poker face... Eventually I wanted to punch her in the face. I mean come on I'm mixing over here!!!

Swine Flu "Eppidemic" aka Media flu

So what I don’t get is why these days everyone has to completely freak out if like a person gets a potentially fatal disease. Lets be real how long have humans been eating pigs.. Thousands of years right? So if swine flu is such a hardcore and scary problem then why are we still around? And what’s more its treatable and preventable with this crazy thing us idealists call MODERN MEDACINE. I think the media just needs to stop over reacting all the time... first meningitis (and we know they got that wrong since stats show meningitis cases are down this year from last) and now swine flu. You people are causing panic for no reason... Not to be insensitive but weak people die from illnesses, that’s how it works so go on diet and start exercising and you won’t have to worry about all this kind of stuff.